Why and how custom exceptions lead to cleaner, better code
Clean up your code by creating your own custom exceptions
There’s a big difference between exceptions and errors; exceptions are deliberate while errors are unexpected. This article focusses on creating your own exceptiosn and how using them cleans up your code, resulting in a less error-prone program, a better flow and faster debugging. Let’s code!
The dirty way
To demonstrate how the custom exceptions work we’ll imagine we’re building a website. We focus on improving the log-in function of the website that currently looks like this:
It’s a fairly easy function:
- we pass an email and password
- check if an account exists associated with the email address. Show popup and redirect to /register page if not
- check if the credentials are valid. Valid: show popup. Invalid: show popup and redirect
You call the function like:login_dirty(email='mike@bmail.com', password='my_pa$$word')
What’s wrong with the current login function?
The problem with the login function is that it is dirty. What I mean with this is that it is responsible for things it shouldn’t be responsible for. I usually separate my project in two:
- clean code
- dirty code
To me, the difference is that clean code is unaware of your business logic. You can take ‘clean’ functions from one project and use them in a totally different one. Dirty code, however, contains business logic; for example what happens when you cannot log in. Do you get redirected? Is a popup displayed? Let’s make our login function nice and clean by removing all business logic with custom exceptions.
The clean way
We want a login-function that is unburdened by any business logic. If it cannot log in a user we just have to signal that it’s not possible; some other part of our code (the dirty part) can decide what to do with it.
When you look at our function two thing can go wrong:
- The email address is unknown (i.e. the user is not registered)
- The email-password combination is incorrect
These two things are the exceptions that prevent a successful login: First we’ll write some code that allows us to raise these exceptions. Then we’ll clean up our function and the way the function is called.
Creating custom exceptions
Creating a custom exception is easier than you think:
As you see we create a new class that just inherits from the Exception class. Then, in order to have a nice message for fellow developers, we only override the __str__ method.
We can also pass arguments to our exception like in the UserNotFoundException
. Here we do the exact same thing as before, only we need to store the email
as an attribute using the __init__ method.

2. Cleaning up the login function
Check out how nice and clean this function looks using the new exceptions:
In addition to looking much nicer the function is more clean and pure; it is only responsible for logging in, if doesn’t have to know anything about redirecting and popups. This kind of logic should be limited to a few places in your project and shouldn’t be littered throughout. Custom exceptions help a great deal with this.
3. Calling our login
In our main.py file we can now call the login function like this:
As you see it’s really clear what happens when we cannot log in. The main benefit is that if you decide at a later time that invalid credentials should also be redirected; there are not many places to search since your business logic isn’t littered throughout your entire project.
In this article I hope to have shown why to use custom exceptions: to help keep an overview on the business logic of your code, they help to keep your functions pure/clean and debug-able. Your own exceptions are pretty easy to create and use throughout your project.
I hope everything was as clear as I hope it to be but if this is not the case please let me know what I can do to clarify further. In the meantime, check out my other articles on all kinds of programming-related topics like these:
- Why Python is so slow and how to speed it up
- Find out how Python decorators work in 6 levels
- Create and publish your own Python package
- Docker for absolute beginners — what is Docker and how to use it (+ examples)
Happy coding!
— Mike
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